[gview file=”https://stpeterorthodoxchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Great-and-Holy-Pascha-2018.pdf”]

Bp. Nicholas to Visit Thursday, April 5, 2018 (Tomorrow)
Don’t forget that Bp. Nicholas is visiting St. Peter’s tomorrow morning at 9:30am to preside over the Liturgy

Final Holy Week Schedule<br />Bishop Nicholas to Celebrate on Holy Thursday Morning
Bishop Nicholas, our newly appointed Bishop, will be celebrating The Liturgy of the Last Supper with us on Thursday morning, April 5, at 9:30 am.

St Peter Newsletter April 3, 2018
Pascha – The Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Agape Vespers, Paschal Dinner, Need for Foreign Language Speakers, more…

St Peter Newsletter March 27, 2018
Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday, Pancake Breakfast, Making Palms, Palm Sunday Brunch, Holy Week Schedule, more…
Holy Week Schedule 2018
[gview file=”https://stpeterorthodoxchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-25-holy-week-schedule-rev-1.pdf”]
Fr. Thomas Hopko on Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday
Lazarus Saturday: Fr. Thomas explores the ultimate Messianic sign from the Gospel of St. John. Listen here: [audio:http://audio.ancientfaith.com/hopko/stt022lazarus_saturday_pc.mp3]

St. Peter Newsletter March 20, 2018 — The Annunciation of the Theotokos
Lenten Schedule, Palm Sunday and Pascha Dinner Sign Ups, Lazarus Saturday Liturgy and Pancake Breakfast for Kids, Making Palms, more…
Fr. Thomas Hopko on the Annunciation
On March 25, exactly 9 months before Nativity, the Church celebrates the Annunciation to the Theotokos that she

St. Peter Newsletter March 13, 2018 — Fourth Sunday of Lent, St. John of the Ladder
Lenten Schedule, Lazarus Saturday Pancake Breakfast and Palm Making for Children, Fr. Thomas Hopko on St. John of the Ladder, more…