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St. Peter Newsletter January 12, 2021

St. Anthony the Great

Venerable and God-Bearing Father Anthony the Great
Twelfth Sunday of Luke

Anthony the New, ascetic of Berrea in Macedonia; New-Martyr George of Ioannina


Who is St. Anthony the Great?


St. Anthony the Great


Our venerable and God-bearing Father Saint Anthony the Great was born in to a wealthy family in upper Egypt about 254 AD. Also known as Anthony of Egypt, Anthony of the Desert, and Anthony the Anchorite, he was a leader among the Desert Fathers, who were Christian monks in the Egyptian desert in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD.

One day after a teaching on Jesus saying to the people, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven; and come, follow Me” (Matthew 19:21), St. Anthony sold everything he owned, gave the proceeds to the poor, and left the city behind to live in the desert.

Although he held no titles or position, his holiness marked him as one whose wisdom commanded respect. When the Synod of Nicea was convened, he was invited to participate. His eloquent defense of the Orthodox doctrine concerning the person of Jesus Christ was instrumental in weakening the position of Arianism. His witness led to the eventual and complete elimination of Arianism.

He instructed his followers to bury his body in an unmarked, secret grave, lest his body become an object of veneration. The monastic rules of Saint Anthony, the “patriarch” of monastic life, have served as the basis for countless monasteries

Source: OrthodoxWiki.


Blessing of the Waters (Outdoors at Imperial River) on Sunday, January 17, 2020

We will bless the waters at Imperial River following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 17, 2021. The picnic previously planned with not be held.

We will take a short break for social hall and then head out to the river.


Services This Week

  • Mon Jan 11 — ST. THEODOSIOS THE GREAT Divine Liturgy LIVE STREAM

Serving the Poor in Bonita Springs

Serving the poor

Are you willing to give up a month of coffee to feed a hungry neighbor? St. Peter’s is seeking monthly sponsors and/ or ongoing donors to help sustain their commitment in making sandwiches for the hungry and homeless at the “Cafe of Life”. These are challenging times and your donation is especially needed to support our local Bonita Springs community. For more information please talk to Julia Grekos.

We meet on the second Thursday of every month and it costs $200/month to feed the poor. Would you be willing to donate?



Stewardship 2021

Click to view letter

Two things determined our flourishing in the past year: God’s benevolence towards us and your faithfulness. Your support of St. Peter’s enables us to experience God’s benevolence.

People who follow Christ need to come together. Our parish offers that. Without a place to meet, there would be no Divine Liturgy, no Eucharist, no place for anointing when we are sick, no place where those who are seeking Christ can call home, no place to meet dear friends every week, no place for baptisms and weddings, no place where the children can grow up with their Church friends, and much more.

We are again in the season where we have to consider our financial commitment to St. Peter’s. Our budget is growing because the parish is growing. We estimate is that our budget will increase 19% in 2021.

Please click the image to read the full message and prayerfully consider your support of St. Peter’s for 2021.


It Is Time For House Blessings!


Get you house blessed


To sign up for house blessings please text Fr. Hans at 239-248-4775 with some available dates and times that work, or send an email to, or sign up in the Social Hall. Fr. Hans will call you to set up the appointment.

If you call there is a good chance I cannot pick up, and if I am in the car I cannot write down the information anyway. That’s why texting is preferred.


Capital Campaign Update — January 3, 2021

Click here
Click the image to see how and why you can help

UPDATE: We are still accepting Capital Campaign Donations as we have not yet made our goal. Our goal is $750K and we now have $482K. Thank you for your generous contributions to date.

The Church now has set up a Brokerage account so if anyone wishes to donate stocks or bonds, the Church can accept them.

Our Capital Campaign is going well. So far $482,000 of the $750,000 we need to secure a mortgage to make a bid on the new Church property has been received. That’s over half of our goal!

Download a pledge form on the St. Peter website.

Please remember, churches are hard to come by in Southwest Florida. This property meets our needs because:

  1. We can afford it (the mortgage will cost no more than what we currently pay in rent; it may even be a little less),
  2. It has buildings on site that are move-in ready,
  3. It can accommodate the growth we are experiencing and that will continue.
St. Peter Orthodox Church

Many of you have seen our Capital Campaign video. Take a look at it again. It lays out our vision that has guided us to where we are and explains why a move is necessary now.

We are grateful to everyone who has supported our Capital Campaign. Thank you very much for your confidence and trust, and the hope you have in the flourishing of St. Peter’s parish.


Introduction to Orthodoxy Classes Resume Sunday, January 24, 2020

Next class Sunday, January 24, 2020. Assignment: Chapters 17 and 18.

The class is required for seekers and catechumens and also open to any parishioner who would like to attend. The syllabus will be posted on the website at soon as it is completed and handed out the first day of class.

We will meet after social hall. Get some coffee, have some food and fellowship, and then we break for class.


St. Peter’s is Going Camping!

Get more information on the St. Peter website!

St. Peter's is going camping!
Click the image for more information

2021 DOMSE Virtual Winter Retreat — Save the Date

DOMSE Winter Retreat

Pledge & Income Report – December 2020

Donations received in December $25,959.00
Amount of money needed to cover expenses: $18,167.00
We are ahead by $7,792

Thank you for your generosity. Although we are ahead in December, most of the surplus were prepayments of 2021 pledges. When the prepayments are deducted from the December income, we are slight behind for the month.

Please note:Please continue your generous support. If you cannot make it to church please mail in your donation to:

Don't forget your pledge!

St. Peter Orthodox Church
24850 Old 41 Road Suite 6
Bonita Springs, FL 34135


You can also donate online (scroll to bottom of page):

Click to donate


Bishop NICHOLAS Offers a Weekly Live Stream

These are short thirty minute presentations where His Grace Bp. Nicholas speaks on one theme in Sunday readings for fifteen minutes followed by questions from the listeners. It’s worth tuning in. Get instructions on the St. Peter website on how to use the Band App on your phone or computer to participate.



Calendar At A Glance

Calendar also available on the St. Peter website.


  • Sun Jan 10 — Orthros 8:30am / Divine Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
  • Sun Jan 10 — Blessing of the Waters (Imperial River) following Divine Liturgy
  • Mon Jan 11 — ST. THEODOSIOS THE GREAT Divine Liturgy LIVE STREAM
  • Wed Jan 13 — Women’s Book Club 5:00pm
  • Sun Jan 17 — Orthros 8:30am / Divine Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
  • Mon Jan 18 — ST. ATHANASIOS / CYRIL Divine Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
  • Wed Jan 20 — RIGHTEOUS EUTHYMIOS Divine Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
  • Thu Jan 21 — ST. MAXIMOS THE CONFESSOR Divine Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
  • Sun Jan 24 — Orthros 8:30am / Divine Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
  • Mon Jan 25 — ST. GREGORY THE THEOLOGIAN Divine Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
  • Wed Jan 27 — Women’s Book Club 5:00pm
  • Fri Jan 29 — DOMSE Virtual Retreat
  • Sat Jan 30 — DOMSE Virtual Retreat

Wisdom From The Elders

For the most part people weigh well how much they give; but how much they seize they neglect to consider. They count, as it were, their wage, but refuse to consider their defaults. Let them hear therefore what is written, “He that has gathered wages has put them into a bag with holes” (Hag. 1:6). St. Gregory the Great

If, on the contrary, you give over the battle to your Lord, the tendency to self-satisfaction falls away and you stand free. Soon you observe, too, that there is no weapon so powerful as the name of the Lord. Tito Colliander

In order to acquire humility, be silent when you are mocked and when they are angry with you, and pray within yourself the prayer “O Theotokos and Virgin.” Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) of Bogucharsk

When a man has an exact knowledge about the nature of thoughts, he recognizes those which are about to enter and defile him, troubling the intellect with dis­tractions and making it lazy. Those who recognize these evil thoughts for what they are remain undisturbed and continue in prayer to God. Venerable Isaiah the Solitary of Seeds and Palestine

The focus of ev­ery deliberation, of every act, of every thought and movement of the heart is to be God’s righteousness, which shows forth and makes accessible this Kingdom. Any aspect of life which is focused otherwise, which takes as its compass and measure something other than this struggle toward the Kingdom, is to be regarded as part of the “old life” of the “old man.” Bishop Irenei Steenberg

Spiritual health equals pure thoughts, an enlightened mind, and a purified heart that unceasingly harbours Christ and Panaghia. Watchfulness over ourselves and prayer are a great help in acquiring spiritual health. Saint Paisios of Mount Athos


Remember in Your Prayers

The Prayer List has been revamped. To bring order to the list we will do the following:

  • Names will remain on the list for two months.
  • If you would like to keep them on longer please mention it to Fr. Hans. We will keep the names on the list for as long as the person needs prayers.
  • Names will include the person who requested the prayers and the month the name will be removed.
  • The permanent list includes friends and members of St. Peter’s and others including shut-ins.

Were names dropped that should have remained? Please mention it to Fr. Hans. He will add them back.

Current Prayer List (Updated January 11 / Resets February 1)

John (Katsigianopoulos 3/21)
Bryce (NA 3/21)
Jean (Dusckas 2/21)
CM and Family (Dusckas 2/21)
David (Dusckas 2/21)
Debbie (Breitenbach 2/21)
Barbara (Dusckas 2/21)
Mary (Marianthi 2/21)
Sarah (Wolffe 2/21)
Pauline (Jacobse 2/21)
Benjamin (Jacobse 2/21)
Marcie (Breitenbach 2/21)
Jo Ann (Breitenbach 2/21)
Angela (Fred 12/21)
Despina (Diveris 2/21)
Ronald (Sovjani 2/21)
Katherine (Dusckas 2/21)
Marlene (Tewis 2/21)
Gail (Jacobse 1/21)
Robert (Tewis 1/21)
Sergio (Mary Kazakos 1/21)
Rae (Semeretis 1/21)
Mary (Semeretis 1/21)
Heather (Waterman 1/21)
Zachary (Constantine 1/21)
Peter (Foltz 1/21)
Alexa (Buchanan 1/21)
Rebecca (Aguado 1/2021)
Jacob (Aguado 1/2021)
Baby Mackenzie (Zafiris 12/20
Nolan (Zafiris 12/20)

Permanent Prayer List

Fran (Hansen)
Nina (Krotov)
George (Chapekis)
Franklin (Pyrrson)
George (Chionis)
Stamatia (Jacobse)
Stamatia (Evelyn)
Demetrios (Kuchera)
Theodosios (Palis)
Theodora (Webb)
Helen (Rogers)
Robert (Smith)
Robert (Jarvis)
Presbytera Rosy (in Pakistan)
James (Hord)
Ann (Rellis)
Vassiliki (Kontinos)
Vassiliki (Morekeas)

Founders, Members, and Benefactors Departed this Life

John (Hansen)
Anatoly (Kurdsjuk)
Thareni (Brooks)
Milan Evanoff
Jean (Sam)
Eleni (Pearson)
Richard (Pearson)
Fr. Stephanos (Shagoury)
Panagiota (Bea Chionis)
Anthony (Mourgis)
Anthony (Mankus)
Constantine (Houpis)
Constantine (Joseph)
Mary (Jarvis)
Panagiota Margarita (Palis)
Maria (Ninos)

How should we pray for the sick? Remember them daily. Say their names (first names are sufficient) and ask God to bestow mercy and grace on them.

Add or remove names and print this list for easy reference during your prayer time on the St. Peter website.


Sunday Readings


Christ Giving Blessing



For St. Anthony the Great

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.
What shall I render to the Lord for all that He has given me?

The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews. (13:17-21)

Brethren, obey your leaders and submit to them; for they are keeping watch over your souls, as men who will have to give account. Let them do this joyfully, and not sadly, for that would be of no advantage to you. Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things. I urge you the more earnestly to do this in order that I may be restored to you the sooner. Now may the God of peace Who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do His will, working in you that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ; to Whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.


For the Twelfth Sunday of Luke

The reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (17:12-19)

At that time, as Jesus entered a village, He was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance
and lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” When He saw them He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving Him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”

St. Peter Orthodox Church