You can watch the live stream by Bp Nicholas every Sunday at 3:00pm on the Band App on your phone or on the the BAND website.

Follow these instructions to download the app.
On your IOS or Android device:
- Download the app. Look for this logo:
- Create an account (BAND will prompt you through the steps)
- Search for theDOMSE Band (see the example)
- Join
If you prefer to use your computer go to the BAND website to sign up.

Benefits to joining DOMSE on BAND include:
- Stay connected to Diocese of Miami and the Southeast (DOMSE) news no matter where you are!
- Keep up to date on scheduled DOMSE events
- Participate in group discussions while on the go
- Read posts from group members including best practices and success stories from local parishes
- Notifications can be muted if you are busy and then you can check in when you have time
- Some do not have Facebook accounts and some don’t even have SMART Phones, BAND can be accessed on the internet using a computer so it is accessible to all!