AMEN President Interviews Fr. Hans Jacobse, the Spiritual Director of AMEN.

St. Peter Newsletter July 30, 2019
Dormition Paraklesis Schedule, Transfiguration Liturgy, AMEN Men’s Group, Wisdom from the Elders,…more
AMEN GroupMe App Instructions
Follow these instructions to join GroupMe on Apple or Android. Download the app “GroupMe” into your phone. Then

St. Peter Newsletter July 23, 2019
Sixth Sunday of Matthew, Sts. Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas, Dormition Period Begins August 1, Wisdom from the Fathers,…more

Tuition for Young Organist Mihail Strezev
Many of you know Mihail (we call him Michael). You see him coming into church late on Sundays. He comes late because he makes his living playing the organ for other churches on Sundays. On weekday liturgies you see him come in on time.

Funeral Arrangements for Anthony Mankus
The funeral for Anthony Mankus will be held on Monday, July 22, 2019 at St. Peter’s Orthodox Church.

St. Peter Newsletter July 16, 2019
Fifth Sunday after Penetcost, Community Luncheon Cancelled, Fr. Hans Out of Town, Wisdom from the Fathers, more…

St. Peter Newsletter July 9, 2019
Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council, St. Paisios Divine Liturgy, Community Luncheon Moved to Next Week, Wisdom from the Elders, more…

Bp. Nicholas and the Vision for Antiochian Men (AMEN) [VIDEO]
Recently Bp. Nicholas offered a short interview explaining his vision for AMEN. Click to view the video.

St. Peter Newsletter July 2, 2019
Third Sunday of Matthew, St. Kyriake, Helping St. Peter’s, Community Luncheon, Fr. Hans out of Town., more…