St. Kyriakos the Hermit, Bible Study Schedule, Upcoming Community Luncheon, Helping Interfaith Charities,…more

St. Peter Orthodox Church Newsletter September 16, 2019
First Sunday of Luke, Help Barbara Dusckas move, Bible Studies begin, Interfaith Charities needs our help, more…

St. Peter Newsletter September 10, 2019
Sunday After the Elevation of the Holy Cross Great-Martyr Nikitas the Goth and those with him; Martyr Porphyrios

St. Peter Newsletter Special Edition September 9, 2019
Community Luncheon and St. Symeon the Stylite Community Luncheon on Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 12:00pm Our next

St. Peter Newsletter September 3, 2019
Sunday Before the Elevation of the Holy Cross Sunday Before the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos

St. Peter Newsletter August 29, 2019
Indiction (Start of the Ecclesiastical Year), Liturgy for the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Upcoming Liturgies, Fr. Hans Out of Town, more…

St. Peter Newsletter August 20, 2019
Tenth Sunday of Matthew, Thank You from Mihail Strezev, Be a Missionary, more…

St. Peter Newsletter August 13, 2019
Dormtion Liturgy, Ninth Sunday of Mattew, Upcoming Liturgies, Wisdom from the Elders, more…

Paraklesis Service Schedule (Clearing up some confusion)
There is some confusion about when Paraklesis Services are being held. Here is the schedule.

St. Peter Newsletter August 6, 2019
Afterfeast of the Transfiguration, Dormition Liturgy on August 14, Thank you from Dn. Daniel and Tabita, Steve Breitenbach AMEN President, more…