St. Basil Liturgy on January 1, Theophany on Sunday, Blessing of the Imperial River, Upcoming Liturgies, more…

St. Peter Newsletter December 25, 2019 — Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
The Sunday After Nativity, Upcoming Liturgies, Grekos Wedding, Epiphany Coming, more…

Join us for Christmas Liturgy on Christmas Eve
Join us on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2019 at 6:30pm for the Divine Liturgy celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
A Presentation on Sunday about the Orthodox Mission of Sierra Leone Medical Program
Dr. Zannos will be offering a short presentation tomorrow that describes how we can help. We will ask if parishioners can make a financial commitment to this project.

St. Peter Newsletter December 17, 2019
The Genealogy of Christ, Upcoming Liturgies, Christmas and Theophany Schedule, Stewardship Letter, more…
St. Peter’s 2020 Stewardship Letter and Contribution Form
The letter below was sent to all parishioners in December, 2020. To contribute please fill in the form

St. Peter Newsletter December 10, 2019
Sunday of the Forefathers, St. Eleftherios, Thank you to the St. Nicholas crew, Lenten Cookbook for Sale, Upcoming Liturgies, Christmas Schedule, more…

St. Peter Newsletter December 3, 2019
Tenth Sunday of Luke, St. Nicholas Children’s Program, Upcoming Liturgies, Grekos Wedding Invitation,…more

St. Peter Newsletter November 26, 2019
Upcoming: Thanksgiving schedule; St. Nicholas Celebration on December 6; Toys for Tots ends this Sunday, Liturgies for St. Spyridon, St. Ignatios of Antioch, more…

St. Peter Newsletter November 19, 2019
After-Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos, Divine Liturgy Entrance of the Theotokos, Sunday School Food Drive, Thanksgiving Schedule, more…