When a person observes the commandments of God, working to be cleansed of one’s passions, then the mind is enlightened; it attains spiritual vision, and the soul becomes as resplendent as it was before the Fall of man. St. Paisios of Mount Athos
St. Nicholas Celebration December 5, 2017
Mark you calendars for the St. Nicholas Day Celebration Tuesday December 5, 2017. We will begin with Divine

St. Peter Newsletter November 22, 2017
Venerable Alypios the Stylite, Thanksgiving Services, Christmas Pot-Luck, St. Nicholas Celebration, Music in Worship, Nativity Worship Schedule, more…

St. Peter Newsletter November 14, 2017
The Prophet Obadiah, Presentation of the Theotokos Liturgy, Thanksgiving Liturgy, St. Nicholas Celebration, Christmas Fast Begins, more…

St. Peter Newsletter November 7, 2017 — St. John the Almsgiver, Supporting Toys for Tots and NAMI, Synaxis of the Archangels and St. Nektarios Liturgies, Wisdom from the Elders, more…
St. John the Almsgiver, Supporting Toys for Tots and NAMI, Synaxis of the Archangels and St. Nektarios Liturgies, Wisdom from the Elders, more…

St. Raphael of Brooklyn Liturgy and Church Clean Up Day, Saturday, November 4
The Divine Liturgy starts at 9:00am, Church clean up follows around 10:00am. While St. Raphael is remembered by historians as a learned theologian, gifted missionary, prolific translator and writer, and the first to be consecrated to the sacred episcopacy in the New World, in popular piety and devotion his memory is cherished as an icon of the good shepherd who collects a scattered flock, leads his lambs to a safe and verdant pasture and ultimately lays down his life for them.

Fifth Sunday of Luke, Synaxis of the Archangels Liturgy, St. Nektarios Liturgy, Bake Sale Volunteers Needed, Pray for Bob Smith, more…
Fifth Sunday of LukeTwenty Second Sunday after Pentecost Apostles Hermas, Linus, Gaius, Patrobas and Philologos of the Seventy;

St. Demetrios Liturgy on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 6:30pm Followed by A Short Presentation by the Men from First Things Foundation
We will celebrate the Divine Liturgy for St. Demetrios on the eve of his feast day Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 6:30pm. Following the Liturgy we will have a brief presentation by the men who work with John Heers and First Things Foundation. You will be impressed by what they do.

St. Peter Newsletter October 24, 2017 — Martyr Anastasia the Roman, St. Demetrios Liturgy, Toys for Tots, Thank You from the Teufel Family, St. Peter Bake Sale, Trunk or Treat, more…
Martyr Anastasia the Roman, St. Demetrios Liturgy, Toys for Tots, Thank You from the Teufel Family, St. Peter Bake Sale, Trunk or Treat, more…

St. Peter Newsletter October 17, 2017 — St. Averkios, An Alternative to Halloween, Church Clean Up Day, St. Peter Bake Sale, more…
St. Averkios, An Alternative to Halloween, Church Clean Up Day, St. Peter Bake Sale, more. . .