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St. Peter Newsletter Special Edition June 17, 2020

Baby Carmine is Expecting a Sibling so We Are Giving a Shower for Mom!

Carmine and Lillie Riccioli Baby Shower

Carmine and Lillie Riccioli are expecting (actually Lillie is expecting and Carmine is coming along for the ride) and baby Carmine is about to get a brother or sister.

We are giving them a baby shower.

The shower will be held on Sunday July 5 in the Social Hall following the Divine Liturgy.

For more information and to RSVP please contact Paraskeve Morekeas at 615-481-5117.

We will follow the Florida distancing guidelines which state that groups should be no larger than 50, participants who prefer to wear a mask are encouraged to do so, and anyone showing symptoms of any kind of sickness or is in a risk category are encouraged stay home.