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St. Peter Newsletter Special Edition March 19, 2020

St. Peter Orthodox Church

Clarifying the Rules About Attendance at Services

St. Peter Orthodox Church

I misunderstood the last directive from Metropolitan Joseph. The correct policy is:

  • No one is attend Church services except priests, altar servers, and chanters, live stream technicians, and so forth up to a limit of ten people. In other words, only essential personnel involved in performing the service itself will be present.

For that reason no one should attend Divine Liturgy except priests, deacons, altar servers, chanters, and technical personnel.

Will there be Holy Communion available during the week? Only in case of extreme need such as sickness. Metropolitan Joseph has asked us to endure this hardship for the time being remembering that even in times past when Holy Communion was available infrequently great saints still arose.

I will be available for prayer. Prayer is the doorway to the throne room of God and, as many of you know who have talked to me, we always bring the problems to God and He always responds. If you need to get a hold of me please text me and we will set up a time. I pray over the phone with people too.


View the Live Stream St. Peter’s Services on Facebook

We will live stream the services on Facebook. To join:

  1. Visit our Parish Facebook Page:
  2. Select “Post” on the left side menu
  3. Scroll down to find the live-streaming video

The first service to be live streamed with be the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 22 at 9:30.


Could Anyone Donate a Camera?

We live stream events using an iphone over wifi. This works, but what would work much better is a dedicated camera.

The Antiochian Archdiocese Missions and Evangelism Department content creator has recommended a budget-friendly camera for parishes to use for live-streaming to the faithful and potential new-comers. We could avoid spotty wifi disconnects and poor sound quality.

The camera they recommend is a Mevo camera. More information is available on the Mevo website.

The camera is $399. If anyone is able to help sponsor, please consider doing so online by clicking the Donate button at the very bottom of our website or mail your donation to the parish address. Please let Fr. Hans know if you would be willing to sponsor this – in partial or in full.


Bp. Nicholas Live Stream Talks

Bishop NicholasBp. Nicholas has begun weekly live stream messages to the faithful on Sundays at 3:00pm. You can hear them on the Band App in your phone or on the Band website.

To download the Band App on your phone, follow these instructions on the website.

If you cannot make it on Sundays you can always log in later and see a recording.


Attn: Antiochian Men – Fr. Hans Virtual Retreat on Sunday, March 7, 2020 at 7:00pm

Fr. Hans Jacobse

Fr. Hans will lead a Diocese virtual retreat for all the Antiochian on Sunday, March 7 at 7:00pm. The topic will be “Faith in a Troubled Time.”

The virtual retreat will be held via Zoom Meetings. Follow this link, and you will prompted to install the software and be joined to the retreat.

Fr. Hans is the spiritual advisor to the Antiochian Men (AMEN). For more information about the retreat visit the AMEN website.


Reader’s Services Available

St. Roman the Melodist
St. Roman the Melodist

Did you know that the Orthodox Church has services available that lay people can perform when a priest is not present?

I encourage everyone to do some services on your own (even if you only reverently read them aloud) to maintain their spiritual strength and focus.

They are available on the Antiochian website.