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St. Peter Newsletter January 8, 2019

The Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Jean Sam – May Her Memory Be Eternal

Resurrection of Christ

With sadness we must report that the Handmaid of God Jean Sam passed away early this morning.

May her memory be eternal.

Jean was a faithful servant of the Christ who gave much of her talents and time to the service of the Church that contributed to its flourishing in the last decades. She refused accolades and recognition and settled instead for the joy that accompanied her service and sacrifice.

Jean’s funeral and burial will take place in Michigan, her home state among her life-long friends.

We will pray for the repose of Jean’s soul with Trisagion Prayers this Sunday and a memorial at the Forty Days.

May the Lord receive the Handmaid of God Jean Sam in place where there is no pain, sorrow, and suffering but only life everlasting.