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Voting for the New Metropolitan

Dear Parishioners of St. Peter’s,

As many of you know the process has started for the election of a new Metropolitan (Archbishop) of the Antiochian Archdiocese.

Bishops elect bishops and ultimately the new Metropolitan will be elected by the Holy Synod of the Antiochian Church in Syria, Nevertheless, these elections do not happen in a vacuum and Patriarch John has implement the procedures for choosing the new Metropolitan by polling the clergy and laity of the Antiochian Archdiocese of America.

The Holy Synod understands that the new Metropolitan has to be familiar with American culture and the special needs that living in such a highly secularized culture such as ours presents to the faithful. Polling the faithful (through a ballot) will reveal who the clergy and laity think would serve the American church best. All votes are of course anonymous.

Vote distribution is broken down this way: Clergy receive one vote, and parishes receive one vote every 100 people. If a parish has more than 100 people, they get another if the total exceeds 50 of the next hundred. We are a smaller parish so most likely we will receive two votes.

Our local election will be held in the social hall following the Divine Liturgy on January 8, 2023.

The national election will be held in Dallas, Texas on July 13. Clergy and delegates (or their proxies) will convene to cast the votes. Results will be sent to Damascus where the Holy Synod meets. The entire process is expected to be completed by the end of February, 2023.

Below are links to biographies of the qualified candidates:

Biography Bp Alexander Moufarijj
Biography Bp Anthony Michaels
Biography Arch. Maximos Jamal
Biography Bp Thomas Joseph
Biography Bp. John Abdallah
Biography Bp. Nicholas Ozone
Biography Fr. Fadi Rabbat
Biography Met. Saba Esber
Biography Arch. Jeremy Davis
Biography Arch. Mikhael Razzouk

Some people have asked for my recommendation since they don’t know any of the candidates. While my recommendation should not be construed as politicking, my vote will go for Bp. Nicholas Ozone based on my close work with him. He has revitalized the Diocese of Miami and the Southeast. Under Bp. Nicholas’ leadership it has become the most dynamic diocese in the Archdiocese.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Hans