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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

We are making progress!

Tentative start date for St. Peter Orthodox Mission is Sunday, May 3. This will be confirmed tomorrow or the next day. We meet at the Holiday Inn on I 75 and Alico Road (get directions). The time that services will be held will be announced shortly.

What can you do? Tell your friends! Tell them to check this website for news. Sign up for the St. Peter email newsletter which will publish all upcoming events and information. Questions? Contact us.

What do we need? We are starting small, but by the grace of God it looks like we will have all the liturgical supplies we need by the time we open. One parishioner is baking the prosphora and supplying the wine.

Do you chant? Could you chant? Remember, we don’t need perfection, just faithfulness. Please contact Fr. Hans if you can help in this way.