After Liturgy on Palm Sunday next Sunday, April 5, plan on attending our annual Palm Sunday Brunch immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
Immediately following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, April 5. No coffee hour that Sunday.
At the home of BJ and Jimmy James. Thank you to BJ and Jimmy for hosting it.
The James home is near the Church (about eight minutes or 3.8 miles). .
26086 Fawnwood Ct
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
- From Church turn South on Tamiami Trail US 41 South. Go 1.5 miles.
- Turn West (right) on North Bay Drive. Go .3 miles.
- At the stop sign turn right onto Country Club Drive. Go .7 miles.
- At the traffic circle, take the 1st exit onto Mandevilla Drive. Go .4 miles.
- At stop sign turn left onto Fawnwood Court.
- 26086 is the 2nd house on the right. Drive way has 2 light posts.
Get map here
Where do I sign up?
Either sign up tomorrow (Sunday, March 29) at Church or on the website Saturday or Sunday (please!). We need a head count by Sunday to order the food.
How much does it cost?
Free will donation only. A basket will be available for your donation.
Don’t Forget! St. Peter Community Easter Card
Deadline Tomorrow!

Once again you can help sponsor the St. Peter Community Easter card.
This is a great way to offer your best wishes to other members of our parish family and support your church at the same time.
Kindly print out the form and give it to Barbara Zeena or mail it to the address below.
St. Peter 2014 Easter Card
St. Peter Orthodox Mission
24850 Old 41 Road Suite #6
Bonita Springs, FL 34135
If you prefer, you can fill in the form and contribute online.
Deadline to be included in the card is Sunday March 29, 2014.