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Myrrh-Streaming Icon in Naples TODAY, Friday Services Cancelled



It was just announced this morning (Thursday, April 2) that the myrrh-streaming icon of the Theotokos will be visiting St. Demetrius Orthodox Church (OCA) in Naples at 3pm this afternoon. The announcement:

The myrhh-streaming icon of the Theotokos will visit St. Demetrius Orthodox Church on April 2 at 3pm. Fr. Andrei of the Russian Patriarchal Church in Tampa will read an Akathist.

All the Orthodox faithful are invited.

St. Demetrius Orthodox Church is located at 140 Price Street in Naples. Price Street is just north of the 951 turn off to Marco Island on US 41. Get map here.

Friday Evening Services Cancelled

Compline Service for Friday Evening April 3 is cancelled.

Plan on attending Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday on Saturday, April 4 at 9:30. Following the Liturgy we will make the crosses for Palm Sunday.