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Christmas Lent Psalm Reading 2022

Thank you for joining our Psalter Group at St. Peter’s this year 2022!! For those of you who have never participated in a Psalter Group this email will help you understand how our group works! The Psalter (or Book of Psalms) is broken up into twenty sections called Kathisma in Greek.

We need at least twenty people who will find the time to read one section (or Kathisma)a day, which usually consists of 6 to 8 Psalms. It takes about 15 to 20minutes to read each day. Every day you will be assigned one Kathisma toread in a rotating fashion (see below).

With twenty members in our group, the group will read through the entire Book of Psalms (or Psalter) everyday. Individually we will read through the entire Book of Psalms (Psalter)two times. It truly is a blessing to do this as a group. Here’s how it works:

  • On Day one, Adam will read Kathisma 1, and Joan will read Kathisma 2, and you would read Kathisma 3, and so on.
  • On day two, Adam will read Kathisma 2, and Joan will read Kathisma 3, and you will read Kathisma 4, and so on.

St. John Chrysostom was asked once, “Is it good to lay aside the Psalter?” He replied, “it would be better for the sun to fall from its orbit, than to neglect reading the Psalter, for it is of great benefit to study the psalms, and to read the Psalter diligently. For all spiritual books are profitable for us, and grieve the demons, but there is none like the psalter” – very powerful words from a great Saint.

We start reading the first day of Lent! Read your section (Kathisma) whenever you can and when it is convenient for you – please try to read it every day. If you miss a day, just pick up and start again. Please see attachment for list of Kathismata, or Psalms to read.

Groups and kathismata (sections) assignments:

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