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St. Peter News November 11, 1022

Catechumen Classes Begin December 4, 2022

This will be an Orthodoxy 101 class covering the basics and fundamentals of our Orthodox faith. All catechumens are required to attend but the class is great for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of our Orthodox faith and Church. Anyone may attend. Plan on staying for an hour.

The classes will be held following the Divine Liturgy. Get your coffee, take a short break, then begin the class.

The text we will use is Fr. Spyridon Bailey’s “Small Steps in the Kingdom.” It’s a good introduction to the Orthodox faith. Please order your copy and bring it to class. You can also download a free copy on your Kindle from Amazon. A syllabus and outline of classes will be provided at the first class.


Click to order from Amazon

Click the image or link to order from Amazon.


Please note: Books will not be available for purchase at Church.