Our Capital Campaign is going well. So far $400,000 of the $750,000 we need to secure a mortgage to make a bid on the new Church property has been received. That’s over half of our goal!
Some parishioners may be under the impression that November 1 was a cut off date. It wasn’t. It was the date we hoped to receive all pledges. If you have still not pledged, you can still do so.
Download a pledge form on the St. Peter website.
Please remember, churches are hard to come by in Southwest Florida. This property meets our needs because:
- We can afford it (the mortgage will cost no more than what we currently pay in rent; it may even be a little less),
- It has buildings on site that are move-in ready,
- It can accommodate the growth we are experiencing and that will continue.

Many of you have seen our Capital Campaign video. Take a look at it again. It lays out our vision that has guided us to where we are and explains why a move is necessary now.
We are grateful to everyone who has supported our Capital Campaign. Thank you very much for your confidence and trust, and the hope you have in the flourishing of St. Peter’s parish.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Hans Jacobse
St. Peter’s Parish Priest
John Simon
Capital Campaign Chairman
Parish Council Co-President