From the Palamas Institute for Orthodox Christian Pastoral Studies. By Fr. Gregory Jensen If I ask myself this

St. Peter Newsletter — June 7, 2016 Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
Sunday after Ascension The Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council Arius was a protopresbyter of the Church

Ascension Liturgy – June 8, 2016 at 6:30pm
Ascension Divine Liturgy, Wednesday, June 8 at 6:30pm About Ascension The Divine Liturgy for the Ascension of Our
St. Peter Newsletter — Sunday of the Blind Man
Christ is Risen! The Sixth Sunday of PaschaSunday of the Blind Man As with all of His miracles,
Memorial Day 2016. Thank You. We Will Not Forget
MEMORIAL DAY 2016 We offer our heartfelt gratitude to our veterans. We honor the men and women who

Memorial Day 2016 — Thank you. We Will Not Forget
MEMORIAL DAY 2016 We offer our heartfelt gratitude to our veterans. We honor the men and women who

Bible Study Cancelled Wednesday, May 25 at 7:00pm
Fr. Hans will be on the other coast for a funeral in the late afternoon and won’t be

St. Peter Newsletter May 24, 2016 — Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
Christ is Risen! The Fifth Sunday of PaschaSunday of the Samaritan Woman The Samaritan Woman at the well
Sign Up for the Forgeron Baptism
The parish is invited to the baptism of Andrew Fegeron and his daughter Kyriaki on Saturday, June 4

St. Peter Newsletter May 17, 2106 – The Fourth Sunday of Pascha, The Healing of the Paralytic
Christ is Risen! The Fourth Sunday of PaschaSunday of the Paralytic Close to the Sheep’s Gate in Jerusalem,