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Antiochian National Convention 2019 Information

The National Convention for the Antiochian Archdiocese will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan from July 21-28, 2019. The Convention is held every other year. If you are interested in going please click the image for more information.

Click the image for more information

Workshops include:

  • MARRIAGE: A SOCIAL IMPERATIVE WITHIN AN ORTHODOX CONTEXT: Kh. Dr. Maggie Hock will have an informal interactive presentation and discussion with handouts.
  • WHAT’S UP WITH HOMESCHOOLING? Fr. Noah Bushelli will address the changing landscape in education and the opportunities available to families seeking a way to educate their children within the life of the Church. Additionally, he will discuss how to support and encourage the homeschooling families in your local parish.
  • CONFRONTING DIFFICULT TOPICS: Dn. Adam Lowell Roberts will present some questioning protocols to help when talking with someone, whether Orthodox or not, about a difficult topic. At a minimum, these topics will be covered: same-sex marriage, abortion, political ideology (left and right). At the beginning of the workshop, participants will be given the list of subjects and be allowed to write down any additional topics they want discussed. After Dn. Adam presents a Biblical and practical approach to the first three difficult issues, the group will take on the additional topics.
  • EXPERIENCING HEALING IN A TERMINAL ILLNESS: Lessons from the life of Fr. Roman Braga. Dr. Daniel Hinshaw will share an understanding of holistic care in the last days and hours of life.
  • SMALL GROUP MINISTRY FOR PARISH REVITALIZATION AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Dn. Andrew Short will talk about the role small groups play in the life and vitality of a church. He will also address the impact community outreach has on parishioners and their faith
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