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A Presentation on Sunday about the Orthodox Mission of Sierra Leone Medical Program

Dr. Zannos Grekos works with Fr. Themi Adamopoulo in Sierra Leone, Africa ministering to the poorest of the poor.

A brief biography of Fr. Themi (learn more here):

He studied at Melbourne University and he could have been a brilliant academic and a much quoted ‘expert’ had he stayed in his chosen field of political science. In the 1960s he was a founding member of the band The Flies and with Ronnie Burns (another great Aussie celebrity) attracted thousands of fans -screaming women not excluded.

But neither his academic studies nor the music circuit gave Themi Adams the answers he was seeking. He turned to Christianity and went back to his cultural and spiritual roots, Orthodox Christianity.

The teachings of Jesus not only appealed to his restless nature but totally captivated him.

He chose to become a monk, then a priest and then a missionary.

Working among the poorest of the poor became his purpose in life. He went to Africa and worked in Kenya and then Sierra Leone. Mother Teresa was his inspiration; Now he has become an inspiration to others. Rev Themis provides the people of Sierra Leone with services that we…take for granted.

Dr. Zannos teamed up with Fr. Themi with the goal of establishing a medical presence that would bring healing to his Orthodox flock and others. Many suffer with simple diseases that can be easily treated to reduce much of their suffering.

A Presentation Tomorrow (Sunday)

Dr. Zannos GrekosDr. Zannos will be offering a short presentation tomorrow that describes how we can help. We will ask if parishioners can make a financial commitment to this project.

An organization has been established called The Holy Orthodox Mission of Sierra Leone Mission Program (click to see the website).

Check out the website, come prepared with questions, and let’s determine if we can support this important mission