St. Luke the Apostle, Capital Campaign, Longinus the Martyr, Remembering our Sick, Wisdom from the Elders, more…

St. Peter Newsletter October 6, 2020
Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, St. Peter’s Launches Capital Campaign, Mary Jarvis Memory Eternal, Send cards to George Chionis and Frank Pyrrson, Weekday Liturgies, more…
Mary Jarvis – May Her Memory Be Eternal
With sadness we must announce the passing of Mary Jarvis, beloved wife of her husband Bob, and a friend to many at St. Peter’s and the larger Naples area.

St. Peter Newsletter September 29, 2020
Second Sunday of Luke, St. Ananias Liturgy, St. Kyriakos Liturgy, Riccioli Baptism, Lending Library, Orthodoxy Classes, more…

DOMSE (Diocese of Miami and the Southeast) Virtual Retreat This Weekend – October 4-6, 2020
Fr. Hans has been mentioning the DOMSE Virtual Retreat for several weeks. This retreat is held via ZOOM.

September 22, 2020 – St. Peter Newsletter
First Sunday of Luke, Liturgy St. John the Baptist and St. Silouan of Athos, Catechumen classes begin, Riccioli baptism, more…

NOTE NEW TIME: Prayers of Anointing at St. Paul’s Starts at 5:30pm
The Prayers of Supplication followed by the anointing of oil from the icons of Christ and the Theotokos begin at 5:30pm (formerly 6:15pm) on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, at St. Paul Orthodox Christian Church, 2425 Rivers Road, Naples, Florida 34120

ATTN: Parents — Orthodox Online Parenting Conference, Saturday September 19, 2020 – 12pm-4pm EST
Orthodox Online Parenting Conference, Saturday September 19, 2020 – 12-4pm EST

St. Peter Newsletter September 15, 2020
Sunday After the Elevation of the Cross, St. Euphemia Liturgy on Wednesday, Miracles at St. Peter and St. Paul, Catechumen Class begins,…more
St. Peter Newsletter September 8, 2020
Sunday Before the Elevation of the Cross, Nativity of the Theotokos, Joachim and Anna, DOMSE Virtual Retreat, Intro to Orthodoxy Update, more…