With sadness we report the passing of Theodore Bondstedt. Ted was a friend of St. Peter’s who visited

St. Peter Newsletter December 28, 2017 — Christ is Born; Preparing for Theophany
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Feasts of Circumcision of Christ and St. Basil the Great St. Basil the
St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Cæsarea in Cappadocia
Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, “belongs not to the Church of Caesarea alone, nor

St. Peter Newsletter December 20, 2015 – The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus ChristThe Adoration of the Magi Thy Nativity, O Christ our
St. Peter Newsletter December 13, 2016 — Sunday Before Nativity, The Geneology
The Sunday of the Fathers is the Sunday before the Nativity of the Lord (December 18-24). On this

St. Peter Newsletter December 6, 2016 — Sunday of the Forefathers, St. Panteleimon Visits St. Peter’s, Christmas Schedule, 2017 Calendars,…more
Sunday of Forefathers of Christ On the Sunday that occurs on or immediately after the eleventh of this