First Sunday of Lent – Sunday of Orthodoxy

Lenten Presanctified Liturgies (with download links)
As we already have seen, the Eucharistic Divine Liturgy is not celebrated in the Orthodox Church on lenten

The Great Canon of St. Andrew (with download links)
The Great Canon of St Andrew, Bishop of Crete, is the longest canon in all of our services,

St. Peter Newsletter — Lenten Schedule and More
On Cheese-Fare Sunday, we also commemorate the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, entering into the Lenten fast in remembrance of mankind’s separation from God through disobeying his commandment to fast from the fruit of the tree.

How and Why Do We Fast?
Fasting is, according to St. John Chrysostom, the third most important element in our spiritual practices outside the worship of God in community.

Three Important Announcements
Saturday of the Souls Divine Liturgy On Saturday, February 21 at 9:30 we will hold the Saturday of
St. Peter Newsletter — February 10, 2015
The Sunday of the Last Judgment is the third Sunday of a three-week period prior to the commencement