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We are Moving! Get Info Here!

The Holy Eucharist

We are Moving! First Liturgy Next Sunday!

St. Peter’s has received the blessing to move to our new location. The blessing arrived late last week and our first Divine Liturgy will be held in our new parish next Sunday, October 26, 2014.

Complete directions to our new facility can be found on the website.

Our new address is:

24850 Old 41 Road Suite #6
Bonita Springs, FL 34135

Many months of planning and work has gone into readying the new site. It took a long time to locate but we are convinced that this is where the Lord has led us and that He will bless our work here.

What is Our Vision?

Our vision is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it is understood and practiced in our Orthodox Christian faith to others who are seeking Him. Many are seeking Christ but they may not know yet that it is Him that they seek. Others know who they are seeking but they do not yet understand that the Orthodox Church should be their home.

We are committed to being faithful to Christ by treating those He brings to us with kindness and love. Our mission is to share what we know, and in that sharing secure our salvation in Him as well. We love God when we love our neighbor, and when we love our neighbor we love God. This is the commandment God has given to us.

What Happens the First Sunday?

The Offering of the Loaves

The first Sunday will be a Divine Liturgy like any other Sunday with two extras: 1) An Artoclasia (Blessing of the loaves) to thank God for His faithfulness to us, and 2) A Blessing of the Waters to bless the building as we start this new stage of St. Peter’s.

It’s a new facility so there will be a few hiccups as we find our way. Be patient. In short order things will be humming along nicely.

Will There Be More Services?

Yes. As we get established we will start a full cycle of services, including major feast day liturgies (and some minor ones too). We will institute Orthros (Matins) on Sunday and Vespers down the road. All this will be added peaceably and in order as our schedules allow.

What About Bible Studies, Lectures, Discussions?

The Visitation of Abraham

Already in the works. Now that we have a location holding special events just got a lot easier. You will be hearing about these developments shortly.

What if I Want to Contribute to St. Peter’s?

Your contributions are always welcome!

Please note however that the building out of St. Peter’s will be done with great deliberation and care. There are many ways to build out a Church but without proper planning we run the risk of creating a hodge-podge of styles that detract from the comprehensiveness and beauty that distinguishes our Orthodox ways of worship.

If you would like to contribute an item to the parish, please talk to Fr. Hans about what would be appropriate and fitting to make St. Peter’s a place where the liturgical space is visually unified and of high quality.

Finally, and Most Important. . .

Man Praying

Please continue your prayers for Bob Smith, Milam Evanoff and Mary Jarvis. Milam is unable to come to Church, Mary will be going home on Tuesday, and Bob just had a cardiac procedure done that was successful but requires a bit of recuperation.

Also, we are grateful that Peggy Mazaras is healthy again. She was sick for about six weeks — not debilatated but under some dark clouds — but is doing just fine now.

We show are care for each other through our prayers. And if we care for each other, then Christ can live among us. That’s why this is the most important news of all.