Sunday of Holy Fathers of Seventh Ecumenical Council
The Fourth Sunday of Luke
PHieromartyr Lucian of Antioch; Venerable Euthymios the Younger of Athos;Savvinos, bishop of Catania

The Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
On Sunday the Church remembers the 350 holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council under the holy Patriarch Tarasius.
The Synod of 787, the second to meet at Nicea, refuted the Iconoclast heresy during the reign of Empress Irene and her son Constantine VI.
The Council decreed that the veneration of icons was not idolatry (Exodus 20:4-5), because the honor shown to them is not directed to the wood or paint, but passes to the prototype (the person depicted). It also upheld the possibility of depicting Christ, Who became man and took flesh at His Incarnation. The Father, on the other hand, cannot be represented in His eternal nature, because “no man has seen God at any time” (John 1:18).
Source: The Orthodox Church in America website.
Services and Events This Week
- Sun Oct 08 — SUNDAY DIVINE LITURGY Orthros 8:30am Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Sun-Mon Oct 8-9 — Fr. Hans Out of Town
- Tue Oct 10 — Paraklesis to the Theotokos 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Oct 11 — Early Divine Liturgy 6:00am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Oct 11 — St. Peter Game Night 6:00pm-9pm
- Fri Oct 13 — Paraklesis to the Theotokos 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Fri Oct 13 — St. Paisios Brotherhood 7:00pm
- Sat Oct 14 — Parish Council Meeting 10:00am
Catechumen Prayers for David Siwarski
David Siwarsaki will be received into the Holy Orthodox Church as a catechumen this Sunday. His Godfather with be Greg Smith.
March is Antiochian Seminarian Month
From Met. Saba:
See a larger copy of the letter on the St. Peter website.
We will be taking a collection for our Seminarians on Sunday, October 15, 2023
Thank You to Marianthi Kazakos
A special thank you to Marianthi Kazakos for making all 26 letters of the alphabet to be used on the Kolyva for our memorial offerings. Thank you Marianthi for your labor of love to the church.
Let's Pray the Paraklesis to the Theotokos Daily
Our goal at St. Peter’s is to have one person or family pray the Parakelsis to the Theotokos for at least one day of every month. For each day of the month, individuals or even an entire family can sign up to pray the Paraklesis in their homes on the day/s which they select.
Get more information on how to participate from the St. Peter's website.

Pledge & Income Report – September 2023
Contributions received in September: $20,964.
Amount of money needed to cover expenses: $28,950.
We are behind by $7,986.

St. Peter Orthodox Church
7470 Hickory Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33967
You can also donate online:

Sign up the the Monthly DOMSE Newsletter on the DOMSE (Diocese of Miami and the Southeast) Website!
Visit the DOMSE Website (scroll to the bottom, fill in the form on the left side) to sign up for "The Light" Newsletter and DOMSE emails.
Only 75 spaces so register early.
More information at DOMSE website.

OCT 1 George Tsikitas – Joe and Deb Repya
OCT 8 Candice Rosen – George Tsikitas
OCT 15 Will Schwarz – George Tsikitas
OCT 22 George Tsikitas – Joe and Deb Repya
OCT 29 Will Schwarz – George Tsikitas
NOV 5 Paula Kambaros – Candice Rosen
NOV 12 Joe and Deb Repya
NOV 19 George Karounos – Need an additional greeter
NOV 26 Pavlo Bilych – Need an additional greeter
Can you volunteer? Please call Joe Repya 612-270-4443.
NEW! St. Peter Game Night on Wednesdays 6:00pm – 9:00pm

Join us on Wednesday evening for a few hours of fellowship and fun. Bring the board games you like to play. It’s casual, fun, and an opportunity for great fellowship.
No sign-up required.

October 2023
TEAM #1 – Barbara Dionysopoulas Group for October
October 15 – Coffee, Bagels and Mixed Fruit
October 22 – Coffee, Donuts and Mixed Fruit
October 29 – Coffee, Cookies and Mixed Fruit
For Special Events/Koliva please contact BARBARA SASEN and give her a completed Special Events Form which is found in the lobby of the church.
The Social Hall All Stars are the men and women that make St. Peter's Social Hall happen. Thank you All Stars!

- Sun Oct 08 — SUNDAY DIVINE LITURGY Orthros 8:30am Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Sun-Mon Oct 8-9 — Fr. Hans Out of Town
- Tue Oct 10 — Paraklesis to the Theotokos 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Oct 11 — Early Divine Liturgy 6:00am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Oct 11 — St. Peter Game Night 6:00pm-9pm
- Fri Oct 13 — Paraklesis to the Theotokos 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Fri Oct 13 — St. Paisios Brotherhood 7:00pm
- Sat Oct 14 — Parish Council Meeting 10:00am
- Sun Oct 15 — SUNDAY DIVINE LITURGY Orthros 8:30am Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Mon Oct 16 — Divine Liturgy Longinus the Centurion 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Oct 18 — Early Divine Liturgy 6:00am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Oct 18 — St. Peter Game Night 6:00pm-9pm
- Fri Oct 20 — Divine Liturgy Aretemus the Great Martyr 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Fri Oct 20 — St. Paisios Brotherhood 7:00pm
- Sun Oct 22 — SUNDAY DIVINE LITURGY Orthros 8:30am Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Mon Oct 23 — Divine Liturgy St. James the Apostle and Brother of the Lord 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Oct 25 — Early Divine Liturgy 6:00am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Oct 25 — St. Peter Game Night 6:00pm-9pm
- Thu Oct 26 — Divine Liturgy St. Demetrios 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Fri Oct 27 — St. Paisios Brotherhood 7:00pm
- Sat Oct 28 — Divine Liturgy Protection of the Theotokos 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Sun Oct 29 — SUNDAY DIVINE LITURGY Orthros 8:30am Liturgy 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Tue Oct 31 — Paraklesis to the Theotokos 9:30am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Nov 01 — Early Divine Liturgy 6:00am LIVE STREAM
- Wed Nov 01 — St. Peter Game Night 6:00pm-9pm
- Fri Nov 03 — St. Paisios Brotherhood 7:00pm
- Sat Nov 04 — Divine Liturgy St. Raphael of Brooklyn 9:30am LIVE STREAM

Wisdom From The Elders
Rejoice, my brethren, in thinking that together with this short life there will also end all our earthly sorrows, needs, and suffering, which merciful providence sends for our spiritual good. Protopriest Gregory Dyachenko
The Lord will reward us with His peace if we change our way of thinking and turn toward Absolute Goodness. Elder Thaddeus(Strabulovich) of Vitovnica
God’s saints are near to believing hearts and, like the truest and kindest of friends, are ready in a moment to help the faithful and pious who call upon them with faith and love. Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt
Sometimes during a long-continued prayer only a few minutes are really pleasing to God and constitute true prayer and tOne must not demand too much of oneself. It is best to humble oneself before God. Open yourself to Him in all your filthiness and say, like the leper: Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean (Luke 5:12). Do not put time limits on God for this. Do all that is needed according to your strength, and the Lord will do everything necessary for your salvation. Just do not forsake God. Abbot Nikon Vorobiev
Bearing the Cross means to separate our souls from the delights and pleasures of this life. Clement of Alexandria
What is a pure heart? It is meek, humble, guileless, simple, trusting, true, unsuspicious, gentle, good, not covetous, not envious, not adulterous. Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt

- Names will remain on the list for three months.
- If you would like to keep them on longer please mention it to Fr. Hans. We will keep the names on the list for as long as the person needs prayers.
- Names will include the person who requested the prayers and the month the name will be removed.
- The permanent list includes friends and members of St. Peter's and others including shut-ins.
Were names dropped that should have remained? Please mention it to Fr. Hans. He will add them back.
Current Prayer List
George (Chionis 11-1)
Mark (Chionis 11-1)
Katheryn (Chionis 11-1)
Jacob (Chionis 11-1)
Ken (Chionis 11-1)
Maxim (Koco)
George (Tsikistas 8/1)
George (Mourgis 8/1)
Barbara (Sason 8/1)
Anthony (Breitenbach 6/1)
Arielle (Ghanem 6/1)
Nicholas (Ghanem 6/1)
Father Demetris
Christina (Hildreth)
Georgia and Richard and their unborn child (Chapekis)
Dionysios Chapekis)
Nancy (Forderhase)
Kayla (Palantine)
George (3/23 Chapekis)
Penelope (3/23 Chapekis)
Theodora (3/23)
Victor (3/23)
Barbara (Dusckas 3/23)
James (Dusckas 3/23)
Les (3/23
Lynn (Hurely 1/23)
Irene and newborn baby (Tsikitas 1/23)
Linda (Pappas 1/23)
Ekaterina (Chapekis 1/23)
Lee (Hurley 1/23)
Emmanuel (Kalousdis 1/23)
Katherine (Dusckas 1/23)
Vassiliki (Diveris 1/23)
Zena Touma (Contorelli 1/23
Lamia Touma (Contorelli 1/23
Matthew (Contorelli 1/23
Emmanuel (Kaloudis 1/23)
Marlene (Tewis 12/22)
Tina (Johnson 12/22)
Nicholas (De Lorenzo 12/22)
Priest Anthony (Karbo 11/22)
Archpriest Dionysius (Valentine 9/12)
Anthony Presbyter (Kerr 10/22)
John Presbyter (Jacobse)
Elain Presbytera (Jacobse)
Angel (Ghanem 10/22)
Edgar (Chapekis 9/22)
Evthriki (Jacobse 9/22)
Christos (Johnson 8/22)
Jon Paul (Andrew 8/22)
William (Brubaker 8/22)
Peter (Tewis 8/22)
The People of Ukraine and People of Russia and all those who are suffering in the war
Permanent Prayer List
Michael (Sovjani)
Maria (Sovjani)
Maria (Sovjani)
Maria (Sovjani)
Katerina (Sovjani)
Frederick (Sovjani)
Arsen (Sovjani)
Irene (Diveris)
Katheryn (Tolkkinen)
Markisia (Long)
Angela (Long)
Marina (Long)
Eleni (Long)
Raphaella (Long)
Joanne (Haley)
Corwin (Dusckas)
Corgette (Troutman)
Irina (Irina)
Lidia (Irina)
Sarina (Ghanem)
Debbie (Breitenbach)
Kathy (Breitenbach)
Hope (Isadore)
John (Long)
Pantelis (Tsikita)
Marisa (Tsikita)
Barbara (Dionysopoulos)
Patricia (Evanoff)
Gabriel (Mankus)
Baby Dani (Repya)
Despina (Diversis)
Fredericos (Diveris)
Herman (Kerr)
Innocent (Kerr)
Nicholas (Kerr)
Paola (Jacobse)
Gregory (Yankopolos)
Pauline (Poulos)
Sergio (Kazakos)
Fran (Hansen)
Nina (Krotov)
Franklin (Pyrrson)
Demetrios (Kuchera)
Theodosios (Palis)
Theodora (Webb)
Robert (Smith)
Presbytera Rosy (in Pakistan)
James (Hord)
Vassiliki (Kontinos)
Vassiliki (Morekeas)
Vassilike (Hord)
Founders, Members, Benefactors and Friends Departed this Life
John (Hansen)
Anatoly (Kurdsjuk)
Thareni (Brooks)
Milan Evanoff
Jean (Sam)
Eleni (Pearson)
Richard (Pearson)
Fr. Stephanos (Shagoury)
Panagiota (Bea Chionis)
Anthony (Mourgis)
Anthony (Mankus)
Constantine (Houpis)
Constantine (Joseph)
Mary (Jarvis)
Panagiota Margarita (Palis)
Maria (Ninos)
Soterios (Ninos)
George (Ninos)
John (Katsigianopoulos)
George (Chionis)
Mary (Spiropoulos)
Gregory (Pappas)
Angela (Coran K
Eugene (Rust)
Robert (Jarvis)
George (Corey)
Patricia (Cotsones)
Seraphim (Zolio)
How should we pray for the sick? Remember them daily. Say their names (first names are sufficient) and ask God to bestow mercy and grace on them.
Add or remove names and print this list for easy reference during your prayer time on the St. Peter website.

For the Holy Fathers
Blessed are Thou, O Lord, the God of our Fathers.
For Thou art just in all that Thou hast done.
The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to St. Titus. (3:8-15)
Titus, my son, the saying is sure. I desire you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to apply themselves to good deeds; these are excellent and profitable to men. But avoid stupid controversies, genealogies, dissension, and quarrels over the law, for they are unprofitable and futile. As for a man who is factious, after admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is perverted and sinful; he is self-condemned.
When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. Do your best to speed Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way; see that they lack nothing. And let our people learn to apply themselves to good deeds, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not to be unfruitful. All who are with me send greetings to you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen.
For the Fourth Sunday of Luke
The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (8:5-15)
The Lord spoke this parable: “A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell along the path, and was trodden under foot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns grew with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew, and yielded a hundredfold.”
And when His Disciples asked Him what this parable meant, Jesus said, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand. Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts that they may not believe and be saved. And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy; but these have no root, they believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away. And as for what fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way, they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. And as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience.” As Jesus said this, He called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”