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Preparing for Lent Mini-Retreat Tomorrow (Saturday, February 4, 2017)

Preparing for Lent

Preparing for Lent

What will we learn?

We we learn how to fast, but most important we will learn why we fast.

Did you know that fasting helps us focus our interior lives? That fasting helps us to find the place where we can receive God’s grace — His transforming power — more readily? Did you know that Jesus, the Apostles, and the Saints fasted too and that they instructed us to do the same?

Fr. Stephanos will give an overview of how to fast, but more importantly he will explain in a very clear how fasting helps us get closer to God.

  • 9:00 – Coffee, bagels, more
  • 9:30 – Start of Presentation
  • 11:00 – End of Presentation