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St. Peter News September 2, 2021


Myrrh-Streaming Iveron icon of Hawaii will be visiting St. Paul Orthodox Church in Naples this Friday, September 3 at 6:00pm

The Iveron Icon of Hawaii

The Iveron Icon of Hawaii


Quite unexpectedly (and thus this short notice), the myrrh-streaming Iveron icon of Hawaii will be visiting our sister parish of St. Paul’s (get directions) this Friday, September 3, 2021 at 6:00pm.

All are invited to venerate this miracle working icon.

Tentative Schedule for Friday, September 3:

  • 6:00PM (Arrival)
  • 6:00PM (Service – TBD – possibly Akathist)
  • Followed by veneration, anointing, blessings, etc.

View this earlier news report from Hawaii about the icon: