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Michael Kyritsis — May His Memory Be Eternal

Michael Kyritsis

With sadness we announce the passing of Michael Kyritsis, Father-in-law of Zannos Grekos, Grandfather to the Grekos children, and dear friend of many. Michael passed away on Saturday morning, August 29, 2020.

Michael was a friend of St. Peter’s who would attend frequently before failing health limited his mobility. He particularly enjoyed our social events where he would spend the time talking to countless friends. His native amiability made him very easy to talk with and his favorite topics were his grandchildren of whom he was very proud.

Funeral arrangements will be finalized in Tampa where Michael will be interned with his wife who preceded him in passing from this life. Memorial prayers were offered at his bedside. We will offer memorial prayers at St. Peter’s at the Forty Days.

May his memory be eternal.