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Instructions for the Partial Re-Opening of St. Peter’s

St. Peter Orthodox Church

Christ is risen!

Dear Friends and Members of St. Peter’s,

We are moving closer to the time we have been longing for. We can begin reopening the parish under the guidelines issued by the State of Florida. Please note the instructions below. We start this Sunday, May 17, 2020.


  • A maximum of 30 faithful may attend the Divine Services at the same time, while socially distancing. To avoid overcrowding that negates social distancing, please reserve a seat on the website. Families will not be required to social distance.
  • If signers exceed thirty, Fr. Hans can schedule a liturgy on Monday for retirees and others who can make it during the week in order to accommodate everyone.
  • If more show up than signed up, they will have to wait in the Social Hall during the service.


  • Upon arrival to the church, a greeter will welcome you to ensure that we maintain social distance in the Narthex.
  • Please use the hand sanitizer available immediately upon entering the Narthex.
  • An usher will help you find seating in one of the chair rows in accordance with the social distance guidelines we are required to follow by the State of Florida.
  • Families can remain together with no distancing.
  • Fr. Hans will announce the manner in which the faithful will line-up and the direction the line will flow.


  • There is no longer a limit to the number of services per week so please keep a close eye on our parish calendar for updates to our service schedule and other opportunities to come to church.
  • Parish gatherings (social hall, bible studies, Parish Council meetings, pot-lucks, etc.) are still restricted.
  • Parishioners may ask to receive Holy Communion and Confession by appointment either at the parish or at home if they are high-risk (65+ years old with health concerns). Text Fr. Hans to make an appointment.
  • Highly touched surfaces in the parish will be cleaned and sanitized AFTER every service.
  • Wearing protective masks is encouraged if the parishioner desires to do so.
  • If you feel sick or have a fever please STAY HOME.
  • The Archdiocese encourages those who are elderly or at-risk to remain home for services.


  • The faithful should allow the priest to pour the Body and Blood by opening their mouths wide and not closing their lips on the spoon.
  • Is this faithlessness and fear-driven? Our Metropolitan has reaffirmed the unwavering and Orthodox confession that Holy Communion does not transmit disease. The very Body and Blood of the God-man Jesus Christ is received unto “remission of sins and life everlasting”. Holy Communion is the “Medicine of Immortality”.
  • According to St. Paul (1 Cor. 11:29-30), and countless saints throughout the centuries, the only way we can be harmed by Holy Communion is when we partake of it “unworthily” – without preparation (prayer, fasting, regular confession, reconciliation and forgiveness, etc.).
  • Due to the inability to confess during Lent and the long absence from Communion, the Metropolitan encourages the faithful to avail themselves of the sacrament of confession.
  • For those asking for Communion by appointment, please read the Prayers of Preparation for Holy Communion (here) and/or the Service of Typika (here) before receiving.


  • If you are in a high-risk category, continue to stay home although now Fr. Hans can either 1) come to you to give you communion, or 2) you can make and appointment to come to church to receive communion (text Fr. Hans to make an appointment).
  • Thirty people can attend on a Sunday. If more than thirty desire to come and Sunday if full, Fr. Hans can schedule a Liturgy the following Monday to accommodate the overflow. Signup on the website.
  • Weekday Church services (Feast Days and Saints Days) will begin soon. Watch the weekly bulletin.
  • Live streaming will continue during this partial re-opening.