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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Final Details for Bea Chionis Funeral

Bea Chionis - May her memory be eternal
Bea Chionis - May her memory be eternal
Bea Chionis – May her memory be eternal
A recent picture of Bea (center) with her two daughters and husband George.

The visitation and funeral will be held at St. Peter Orthodox Church.

Public visitation begins at 9:30am (no visitation the evening before).

Funeral begins at 11:00am.

Internment at Palm Royal Cemetery following the funeral at 12:30pm approximately (get directions).

The memorial dinner (makaria) will be held at the Kengsington Golf and Country Club in Naples immediately following the internment and concludes at 3:15pm (get directions).

May the memory of Bea Chionis be eternal.