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Bishop Antoun Luncheon (December 15, 2013)

His Grace Bishop Antoun

Download the Bp. Antoun Luncheon Registration Form


His Grace Bishop Antoun will be making his first pastoral visit to St. Peter’s on Sunday, December 15. Plan to come!

He has been looking forward to this visit for quite a while. We will have plenty of time to talk to him, ask him questions and get to know him.

He will arrive on Saturday and meet with the Parish Council on Saturday evening. On Sunday he will preside over the Divine Liturgy.

Divine Liturgy will begin promptly at 9:30am.

Following the Liturgy we will have a light luncheon so that we can get to know our Bishop and he can get to know us.

Suggested donation for the luncheon is $20. It will be held at the hotel and we will be observing the Christmas fast.

In order to give the hotel an accurate number of who be attending, kindly fill out the form at your earliest convenience.

Download the Bp. Antoun Luncheon Registration Form

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