On Saturday August 12, 2017 St. Peter’s will sponsor a pilgrimage to St. Michael the Archangel Shrine in Tarpon Springs.

St. Peter Newsletter July 18, 2017
The Prophet Ezekiel, Sunday Readings, Helping Interfaith Charities, more…

St. Peter Newsletter July 11, 2017
Holy Fathers of Fourth Ecumenical Council, Wisdom from the Saints, Orthodox Nursing Home Opens in Clearwater, FL

St. Peter Newsletter July 25, 2017
The Orthodox Church is a living and vibrant community of faithful Christians made up of the members of the Church militant and the church triumphant. The Church militant are those of us who are still part of this world, diligently striving to live our lives according to God’s teachings and commandments.

Saints for Various Needs
“We should seek the intercessions and the fervent prayers of the saints, because they have special ‘boldness’ (parresia),

St. Peter Newsletter July 4, 2017 — Happy Independence Day! Fifth Sunday of Matthew, The Lord’s Prayer Explained, Interfaith Charities Needs Help…
Happy Independence Day! Fifth Sunday of Matthew, The Lord’s Prayer Explained, Interfaith Charities Needs Help…