This is also a great way to start the New Year.

St. Peter Newsletter — December 26, 2015
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Today is born of the Virgin Him Who holdeth all creation in the hollow of His hand.

St. Peter Newsletter — December 15, 2015
Genealogy of Christ, Christmas schedule, Christmas Eve Day Feed the Poor, Potluck pictures, and more.
Sign Up for Helping the Poor on December 24 at 9am
Cafe of Life, the local food bank that St. Peter’s partners with needs our help. They are short
St. Peter Newsletter — December 1, 2105
St. Nicholas Vespers and Potluck on November 5, Pilgrimage December 7, Check out the hand carved icon commissioned for St. Peters
First Look at an Icon Comissioned for St. Peters
The icon below is the nearly completed work commissioned for St. Peter’s of Christ pulling St. Peter from