With sadness we must announce the passing of Mary Jarvis, beloved wife of her husband Bob, and a friend to many at St. Peter’s and the larger Naples area.
Mary was an early founder of St. Peter’s, helping in all areas with sacrifice and love when we decided to start the mission at the Holiday Inn. She opened her home for one of our first Pascha Dinners, served as treasurer, and other duties that required energy, diligence and attention to detail. She did everything so well.
She passed away peacefully in her sleep about 4am this morning. God granted her the prayer we pray in the Divine Liturgy, “For a Christian ending to our life: painless, blameless, peaceful, and a good defense before the dread Judgment Seat of the Lord…”
The funeral will be held in Illinois where Mary and Bob have lived the past years with their daughter Jamie. St. Peter’s will offer Trisagion Prayers for Mary this Sunday, October 4, 2020 and a Forty Day Memorial at the forty days on Sunday, November 8, 2020.
For those wishing to send condolences to Jamie, Mary’s daughter, you can mail a card to:
Jamie James
7131 Foxfire Drive
Crystal Lake IL 60012
St. Peter’s will offer flowers on behalf of our parish members at the funeral in Illinois.
We will miss Mary. May her memory be eternal.