[gview file=”https://stpeterorthodoxchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-03-25-holy-week-schedule-rev-1.pdf”]
Through the Gospels in One Year Schedule
[gview file=”https://stpeterorthodoxchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/jacobse-gospel-reading-plan.pdf”]
Through the Bible One Year Schedule
[gview file=”https://stpeterorthodoxchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/jacobse-schedule-full-year.pdf”]
New Icons of Christ and the Theotokos Installed
The new icons of Christ and the Theotokos were installed this week. You will see them on the
Memorial Day 2016. Thank You. We Will Not Forget
MEMORIAL DAY 2016 We offer our heartfelt gratitude to our veterans. We honor the men and women who
St. Peter Newsletter March 29, 2015 — Third Sunday of Lent / Veneration of the Holy Cross
Elevation of the Precious and Life Giving Cross Each of the Sundays of Great Lent has its own