Orthodoxy has completely transformed me already,” he said. “I feel like the first time in my life I’m growing spiritually.”

Ten Steps to a Better Prayer Life
Author: Anonymous Designate A Prayer Space: Whether it is in the corner of your desk or a little

The Word ‘God,’ The Divine Names, ‘Father’ As Divine Name
The words used to refer to ‘God’ in different languages are related to various concepts. The peoples of antiquity attempted to find in their languages a word to express their notion of God or, rather, their experience of encounter with the Divinity.
In the languages of Germanic origin the word Gott comes from a verb meaning ‘to fall to the ground’, to fall in worship. This reflects an experience similar to that of St Paul, who, when illumined by God on the road to Damascus, was struck by divine light and immediately ‘fell to the ground… in fear and trembling’ (Acts 9:4-6).