Second Sunday after Pentecost Second Sunday of Matthew Martyrs Leontios, Hypatios and Theodoulos at Tripoli in Phoenicia; Venerable

St. Peter Newsletter June 6, 2017 — Sunday of All Saints, Parish Portraits: Meet George Chionis, Through the Bible in a Year, more…
First Sunday after Pentecost All Saints Sunday ed as a commemoration of all of the Saints, all the

Reminder — Saturday of Souls on June 3, 2007 (Tomorrow)
Saturday of Souls is a day set aside for commemoration of the dead within the liturgical year of the Orthodox Church. Saturday is a traditional day for prayer for the dead, because Christ lay dead in the Tomb on Saturday.

St. Peter Newsletter May 31, 2017 — St. Peter Newsletter May 31, 2017 — Pentecost Sunday, Pentecost Prayers, Honoring Graduates, Coming: Through the Bible in One Year
The Feast of Holy Pentecost is celebrated each year on the fiftieth day after the Great and Holy Feast of Pascha (Easter) and ten days after the Feast of the Ascension of Christ. The Feast is always celebrated on a Sunday.

St. Peter Newsletter May 24, 2017 – Sunday of the 318 Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
Persecution of Christians ceased during the fourth century, but heresies arose within the Church itself. One of the most pernicious of these heresies was Arianism. Arius, a priest of Alexandria, was a man of immense pride and ambition.

St. Peter Newsletter May 16, 2017 — Sunday of the Blind Man, Sts. Constantine and Helen, Abbreviated Coffee Hour…more
The Savior met this man, born blind and incurable after every human effort, while leaving the Temple on the Sabbath. Jesus spat into the dirt, made clay, rubbed it in his eyes and told him to wash in the pool of Siloam, a famous water spring in Jerusalem.

Parish Portrait — George and Bea Chionis: A Love Story
George Chionis, a loved and valued parishioner, is a son of the Mid-West. The youngest of six children,

St. Peter Newsletter May 9, 2017 — The Samaritan Woman, Mother’s Day, Christ Pantocrator Icon and more.
Christ is Risen! The Fifth Sunday after Pascha Sunday of the Samaritan Woman The Samaritan Woman Tne of

St. Peter Newsletter May 02, 2017 — Sunday of the Paralytic
Petition to Free Orthodox Bishops, Wisdom from the Saints, more…

St. Peter Newsletter April 26, 2017 – Sunday of the Myrrhbearers, How to Pray…more
The third Sunday of Holy Pascha is observed by the Orthodox Church as the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers. The day commemorates when the women disciples of our Lord came to the tomb to anoint his body with myrrh-oils but found the tomb empty. As the woman wondered what this meant, angels appeared proclaiming that Christ had risen from the dead.