The Sunday of the Last Judgment First we heard about Zaccheus and learned that sometimes we have to
Memorial Names
Please list the names of your loved ones below (one per line). We will read them during the

Memorial Prayers for Rena Brooks
Memorial Prayers for Rena Brooks On Sunday, February 16, 2014 (tomorrow), we will read the memorial prayers for

St. Peter Newsletter — February 14, 2014
Four Items to Ponder About the Prodigal Son The reading this Sunday is about the Prodigal Son. To
317AD — Christianity Goes Mainstream | Feb, 2014 Lecture
Our lecture series continues on Thursday, February 13, 2014 starting at 6pm at the Collier Public Library, 2385

St. Peter Newsletter — February 8, 2014
317AD — Christianity Goes Mainstream Our St. Peter lecture series continues at the Collier Public Library on Thursday,
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The WORD Magazine is the official publication of the Antiochian Archdiocese. If you are not receiving the WORD,