Who We Are
We are orthodox Christians
…the ‘original’ faith as taught by Jesus Christ to the Apostles, delivered by the Apostles to the people, and preserved, defended and died for by the Church faithful for over 2000 years.
- We are evangelical but not Protestant,
- We are orthodox but not Jewish,
- We are catholic but not Roman…
- We are not non-denominational; we are pre-denominational.

We are evangelical because we teach the Good News of Jesus Christ. Although we share the name of being ‘evangelical’, we are not part of the modern Protestant Evangelical movement.

We are rooted in Israel because Jesus was. We exist as a living continuity with the ancient Temple and synagogues of Israel and the early Church. The amazing Good News of Orthodoxy is that our faith has been and will always be the birthright of ever human being who’s ever lived. We were all made to be Orthodox!

We aren't a version of the Roman Catholic Church but we are ‘catholic’, meaning universal. The original Church, now known as the Eastern Orthodox Church, began at Pentecost in Jerusalem, right after the Resurrection of Christ. The Eastern Church originated within the history and culture of the East but soon expanded westward…into what is now Europe.

The Eastern Orthodox Church is the oldest and second largest Christian tradition in the world. With 7,000,000 in the U.S. and over 250,000,000 around the world, we worship together as directed by God in Exodus and Leviticus…in the same manner as Jesus did in ancient Israel.
Orthodoxy is a way of life
Orthodoxy is not just a set of rules and regs which will make us act like good people; nor is it a one-shot, ’come to Jesus’ moment that promises that we will be ‘saved’ and thus, guaranteed a quick trip to heaven instead of hell.
In Orthodoxy, being ‘saved’ is a way of life…there are no quick fixes. We do what St. Paul told us to do…we ‘work out our salvation’. Through prayer, study and partaking of the Sacraments, we are guided and empowered by His Holy Spirit to live lives which make us increasingly Christ-like. Being remade in HIs image is called theosis. see more…

Our Church
St. Peter the Apostle Church in Ft. Myers belongs to the Antiochian diocese, named after Antioch, the Turkish location of the first church in Christendom. We are one of 15 dioceses (districts) of the Eastern Orthodox Church, made up of over 250,000,000
of the faithful.
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